My Five And Ten-Hour Private Coaching Programs Make Writing Stress A Thing Of The Past!
My teaching method is based on The Five Ingredients of the Scene. Developed over my forty years as a fiction writing coach, The Five Ingredients of the Scene gives you the key to successful fiction writing. With these techniques, you have all the craft you need to become the novelist you dream of being. The Fice Ingredients provide the tools to break the chains of writing frustration, fears, and relentless writing blocks. My coaching programs are for writers of all levels.
With The Five Ingredients of the Scene, you'll:
Here's what to expect from my highly individualized programs, which are suitable for all levels of writers.
- You'll never leave your session with me without understanding what worked well in your writing thus far and where you need to focus your attention for the next session.
- I'll always give you several ideas for scenes to work on for our next session.
- If your Inner Critic is particularly powerful, we'll explore ways to quiet its biting voice so you can write freely again.
- By the end of our five or ten-hours, you will have dramatically moved ahead with your writing, characters, and storyline.
With my coaching, you'll find the skills,
confidence, and joy to say, "I AM A NOVELIST!"
confidence, and joy to say, "I AM A NOVELIST!"
Two Hour Introductory Session: $200
Five One-Hour Sessions: $750
Ten One-Hour Sessions: $1,200
Call Emily to find out more about how either personalized program can work for you.
914.962.4432 or 914.588.1282 Eastern Time.
Five One-Hour Sessions: $750
Ten One-Hour Sessions: $1,200
Call Emily to find out more about how either personalized program can work for you.
914.962.4432 or 914.588.1282 Eastern Time.
"In one session, Emily hit on what I suspected was wrong with my writing but had never been told. She said a writer has to dive into the "creative unconscious" to come up with what makes people laugh, cry and sigh. She led me to the edge of the pool, gave me a nudge, and said, "Jump in." I floundered a while, but she was there to support me. The process now feels as if I'm a seagull swooping down to the prize that awaits me under the water." ~ Angela Tehaan Leone
* Angela's novel, Swimming Toward the Light, was published in 2007 |
"Working on my novel with Emily has been an amazing revelation...
"I had no idea such wonderful characters and stories were inside me. I invariably finish each phone session inspired and energized toward more and more writing. Emily deepens and widens my creativity and intensifies my connection to the muse." -Angela Serrano |
I am so encouraged by your encouragement...
I've really broken through a lot of my blocks and have been writing furiously. Such energy-WOW! I especially want to thank you for saying how happy you were for me. It means more to me than you can know to have another woman happy at my writing success. Your being happy for me has given me permission to continue this successful journey, and for that I am eternally grateful." -Kathy Kluge |