My Mentoring Program has all the benefits of my Five and Ten-hour Coaching Programs and a lot more!
I Mentor you, which means I walk alongside you, teach, support, and inspire you to never stop believing in your abilities as a novelist. Sometimes I listen. Sometimes I nudge or push. Always I encourage you to never give up or waiver from the path of the fiction writer's journey. While we journey together, I define and redefine what is most important in your writing life at any given time. I say "at any given time" because when we |
And what is Wonderland? The deep inner world of the creative unconscious where nothing makes sense at first and everything is possible. The journey can be terrifying and fantastic! It is on this journey that you meet the most unexpected characters and have the adventures of your life!
In the Mentoring Program, I am your White Rabbit. I know the highways and byways of Wonderland and make sure you come back safely with a new love for your imagination, and your writing takes off! |
You read to me. We talk. I remind you that you've forgotten this truth: Nothing you write is ever without value. Rather, what you dismiss as wasted scenes or chapters are often the fertile ground from which your characters and stories grow.
We explore your writing and I shine the light on the hidden jewels that lie within. You hang up with detailed options for where to go next with the scene. Your writing block is gone and you are raring to write! |