"I read your critique of my novel last night. Amazing how you picked up the things I felt weren’t there, yet didn’t know why or what to do about them. You have been a great teacher and friend. I'm sure there are others like me who would be trapped in our minds and darkness if you hadn't coaxed us, with your sincere encouragement and non-judgment." ~ Susan Omilian
Emily, you have been such an incredible source of inspiration to me over the years. My development and persistence as a writer is due in no small part to you and the classes you run. I doubt very highly that I would have been able to sustain this growth if it weren't for your powerful, yet always thoughtful critiques. Because of you, all of us in the class have learned and are still in the process of learning this magical way of listening and responding. It's what makes the writing great and the class wonderful.
~Michelle Burton |
"In one session, Emily hit on what I suspected was wrong with my writing but had never been told. She said a writer has to dive into the "creative unconscious" to come up with what makes people laugh, cry and sigh. She led me to the edge of the pool, gave me a nudge, and said, "Jump in." I floundered a while, but she was there to support me. The process now feels as if I'm a seagull swooping down to the prize that awaits me under the water." ~ Angela Tehaan Leone
* Angela's novel, Swimming Toward the Light, was published in 2007 |
"I am so encouraged by your encouragement. I've really broken through a lot of my blocks and have been writing furiously. Such energy-WOW! I especially want to thank you for saying how happy you were for me. It means more to my than you can know to have another woman happy at my writing success. Your being happy for me has given me permission to continue this successful journey and for that I am eternally grateful." Kathy Kluge,
"I thank my stars I found you because you are The Teacher who appeared when the student (me) was willing." ~No one knows as well as Emily Hanlon how to access that deep and rich inner world where our best characters and stories live."
~Janet King "I am finishing my second year of the Mentoring Program with Emily. Originally, I looked for a mentor who offered creative inspiration and was aware and present to my journey as a writer, someone with whom I could openly share my doubts and frustrations, as well as my successes. I looked for someone who believed in the magic and power of words. I found all these qualities, and more, in Emily. Her ear is sharp and her critique of my work is presented in a way that offers me an opportunity to apply her insights and suggestions into my work through my own voice, thus expanding myself as a writer. Emily is the perfect fit!"
I realize how really good you are as a writing coach... Sara Healy
"I am pleased I sent you my writing. I realize how really good you are as a writing coach. I love that you get excited about our writing and don't take it apart even when we're struggling. You delight in our creativity, That's special, Emily. There aren't many people who do that. Thank you." |
Emily is a magically gifted teacher... Kurt Blankmeyer
"In each of us flows a river, pooling at times into a sea, other times running swift, gathering and surging, this water of the soul is neither channeled nor bound by a neat "process." Yet there are means or knowings by which it may be transformed. This is Emily's genius. She is a magically gifted teacher who recognizes that we all possess the ability to awaken the power of self-discovery. |
I completed a novel that is beyond my wildest expectations... Jackie Bennett
"It was immediately apparent that Emily understood the deepest emotionality of my story's message and intuitively knew how to help me access my own unconscious creative process. Suddenly, I was soon discovering critical new characters who were driving the tale into surprising directions. From beginning to end, thanks to Emily's probing and meaningful insights, I experienced the joy of seeing myself evolve as a writer. I now have a completed novel that is far beyond my wildest expectations!" |
I came to Emily's writing group with a burning desire to write fiction but was unsure if I was able... Michael Weinstein
"I came to Emily's writing group with a burning desire to write fiction but was unsure if I was able. I found out that you learn not by being told, "Do this, do it that way," but by writing, page after page, character after character, and you see things evolve in ways that surprise you. You learn to become a character, to see the world through their eyes, say things they would say, and in so doing, tap into unknown parts of yourself." ~ Michae |
"Working on my novel with Emily has been an amazing revelation...
"I had no idea such wonderful characters and stories were inside me. I invariably finish each phone session inspired and energized toward more and more writing. Emily deepens and widens my creativity and intensifies my connection to the muse." -Angela Serrano |